
  • The app is built for laptop/desktop and landscape tablet viewing.
  • The base entities (cleaner, customer, location, apartments) are assumed non-duplicative; i.e. there is no code to ensure duplicity is avoided.
  • REMOVE buttons will remove an entity from the ACTIVE list. It does not delete the info from the app; i.e. you could reinstate the entity again.
  • Basic workflow is ...
    • Enter all known cleaners.
    • Enter all known customers.
    • Enter all known locations, choosing related customers as you go.
    • Enter all known apartments (or other entities, e.g. Ballroom), choosing related locations as you go.
    • Create a Job from the Apartments page.
    • Once a job is created, it has a status ... Available > Assigned > Scheduled > Completed ... at which point the "job" could be repeated (use the REDO button).
  • The basic data model is ...
    • 1 to many cleaners may exist; may have 0, 1 or more related jobs.
    • 1 to many customers may exist; may have 0, 1 or more related locations.
    • 1 to many location may exist; assigned to at most 1 customer; may have 0, 1 or more related apartments.
    • 1 to many apartments may exist; assigned to at most 1 location; may have 1 job.
    • A job is a state entity (as noted above via the description regarding status). It is intended to be used again and again.


  • Remove action is possible where the Cleaner is not assigned to an active Job.


  • Remove action is possible where the Customer is not assigned to an active Location.
  • Removing a customer that has locations assigned to it will remove those locations also.
  • Reinstating a customer that has locations assigned to it will reinstate those locations also.


  • Remove action is possible where the Location is not assigned to an active Apartment.
  • Removing a location that has apartments assigned to it will remove those apartments also.
  • Reinstating a location that has apartments assigned to it will reinstate those apartments also.


  • Apartments are always associated with a Location.
  • Remove action is possible where the Apartment is not assigned to an active Job.


  • Jobs are built from ACTIVE entities only.
  • Jobs are created from the Apartments pages. ADD JOB buttons are provided where this is possible.
  • Jobs can be removed by clicking the icon.
  • Jobs Removed are not coming back; i.e. there is no utility to reinstate them.
  • If a Job has been removed, the associated apartment for that job should have an ADD JOB button available to create a new Job.


  • Only changes in the Jobs portion of the app are logged.
  • Logs are kept to provide for historical reporting purposes.

** later **

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  • Help
  • Reminders